Intelligent Collaboration


Is your organization realizing its full collaborative potential?

The many benefits of collaboration — problem-solving, agility, innovation, and inclusion — are well understood. Most organizations struggle, however, to fully realize their collaborative potential. Instead, many teams find themselves mired down by inefficient and time-consuming ways of working and cultures that don’t support their highest aspirations. 

Amidst an incredibly competitive landscape for attracting top talent and rampant burnout among knowledge workers, organizations simply need to do better.  Stop Meeting Like This unleashes the languishing potential in organizations by intentionally designing how work gets done and ensuring that teams have the will and the skill to make it happen.

The Collaborative Fabric®

At the center of our work is the Collaborative Fabric, four interconnected threads that determine the success or failure of collaboration within an organization.

The Collaborative Fabric is made up of:

  • Leader Signals

    The daily, minute-by-minute cues that leaders send about how team members should behave in order to belong and succeed.

    The Challenge:

    The organization had been focused on innovation and agility for years to no avail. SMLT determined that the leader signals demanding ‘flawless execution’ were blocking the team’s willingness to experiment and take risks. 

  • Team Health

    The ability of a group of individuals to overcome challenges and perform together based on clarity of purpose and the degree to which members fit in and feel fully seen and connected.

    The Challenge:

    A cross-functional team believed that they needed to clarify decision rights in order to collaborate more effectively. In fact, a long-standing lack of trust was the root cause of slow decision-making and execution

  • Operating Model

    The specific way a system is designed to produce value including information flows, governance bodies, and decision-making norms.

    The Challenge:

    Many teams in the organization interacted with the same external stakeholders but had no mechanism for aligning their activities. An operating model with single points of contact and communication norms dramatically improved the stakeholder experience.

  • Work Practices

    The habitual ways that team members conduct daily collaborative activities, including meetings, email, and technology use.

    The Challenge:

    The team at a large organization was drowning in their inbox, constantly distracted by instant messages, and facing inevitable burnout. We helped them intentionally build thinking time into their work week, streamline communication, and balance live and asynchronous collaboration.

Get Started

Most engagements with Stop Meeting Like This are custom-designed to meet your unique needs and goals. Reach out to us at for more information or to schedule a call. 

We also offer an array of one-hour to half-day courses designed to help your team begin to build skills for smarter collaboration. Start with one or create your own series. Check out our current course catalog and send us a note at to schedule or to learn more.